Friday, October 8, 2010

The Intimidation

There aren't many things that I have difficulty wrapping my head around, but when it comes to myself, I am stumped. Well, at least when it comes to how people react to me. I am nothing special. I don't have long legs, silky hair, or piercing eyes. I'm not tall and skinny, with a leather jacket, whip, and boots up to my thighs. Also, I am not some sort of haggard,  wide-set, 6', snaggle-toothed broad in army pants. I am merely a 5'4'', athletic, redhead girl. I wear jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and sneakers. I just don't understand why so many people are so intimidated by me. Well, I don't understand why men are intimidated by me.
Between the ages of 17 and 19, something happened to me. I used to get the "You are so beautiful" compliment, but not anymore. Nowadays, all I hear is "You are really intimidating, you know that?". What the hell?
I used to get asked out every quarter, hands down. Perhaps Green River boys had more guts then these Western boys.  Or perhaps I have had "F*** Off" stamped on my forehead since I stepped foot on this desolate campus. Well, I don't know either way.
It is not that I need guys to ask me out to feel good about myself. I know I am beautiful and I know that I am one hell of a cool chick when you get to know me. I like motorcycles, rough-housing (in the literal sense, that isn't code for sex), cooking amazing meals,  spicy foods, and action flicks; I don't like shopping for myself, taking forever to get ready for events, or glitter. I don't need a boyfriend either. I am a strong and extremely independent woman and have been for a long time. However, it would be nice if the seat beside me on the bus wasn't the last one to fill every single time. Seriously, only women in their 50's sit beside me.
Western boys need to grow a pair and sit down in that damn seat!
A couple years ago, all my friends were men. Now, they run away like I'm holding a nut-cracker in one hand and their sense of control in the other. I would hate to think that men stay away because they instantly sense that there is absolutely no way to seduce me, fool me, romance me, outsmart me, or avoid a severe lashing if they piss me off. However, that is only for stupid, idiot, douche-bags with nothing out of the ordinary going on. It just so happens that there are a lot of them out there. If somebody with a little courage and extraordinary temperament  (as in, interested in something other than sex and sex-related items) were to come along, they would have little to fear. I am a very warm person after you've earned my trust.
 Strength, intelligence, and independence should be attractive qualities in a friend of either sex. Western boys, and men everywhere, need to recognize that and stop chasing the primped, flouncy, pushed-up, and painted tail that swarms the campus. So there.


  1. Amen.

    And by the way... it totally is the Western boys and not you. You = fabulous. Western boys = secretly gay. Every single one of them.

  2. Thank you, Andie! That last part made me laugh :)
